What To Know About Solar Panel Warranties
April 15, 2022

You can’t deny the importance of installing solar panels on your residential, commercial, or industrial buildings. Humankind has made a lot of progress in the field of electrical needs. From inventing electricity to creating more sustainable and eco-friendly solutions such as solar panels, we all have made a lot of progress in the past years.
Solar panels, which one thought to be affordable by only rich communities, are now becoming a preferred choice among many homeowners and business individuals. Solar panels reduce carbon footprints, lower your electricity bills, and are a better solution for the health of the environment.
However, before installing solar panels, you must understand a few concepts, and one of them is the solar panels warranty.
Knowing the solar panels warranty and its different types is important to get the most out of it. Knowing the warranty will prevent you from paying against certain defects, equipment failure, or environmental issues up to a certain period.
This blog post mentions all the details that you should know about solar panels warranties.
What Is A Solar Panel Warranty?
A solar panel manufacturer or installer provides you with a solar panel warranty which is a guarantee of their product or service. It is a guarantee for panel reliability and production output. It also means that if any problem arises with your solar panels, their cost will be covered by the solar panel manufacturer or installer.
The period of the solar panel warranty varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. The typical time duration of these warranties ranges from 10 to 25 years.
There are several other important points that you must know when looking at solar panel warranties. Your manufacturer or solar panel installer might offer you different warranties. So you must know the difference to make sure that you are making the right solar panel warranty choice.
Types Of Solar Panel Warranties
The two main types of solar panel warranties are product warranty and performance warranty. Let’s dig into the details about each of these types.
Product Warranty
A product warranty covers the panels against any kind of defect, equipment failure, or environmental issue. If there is any problem with the material or workmanship, the manufacturer will choose to repair or replace that product at their own discretion.
However, this warranty doesn’t cover the labor cost or all the shipping costs to get the replacements on your site. But this might not be true for all manufacturers of solar panel installers, as some solar panel companies offer product warranties while covering the labor and shipping costs.
Performance Warranty
This is another type of warranty that is necessary to ensure a minimum base of electricity production is maintained. It is actually necessary to evaluate the performance of the solar panels installed. It lasts from 25 to 30 years. This period is necessary to analyze the performance of a panel and to see if it will stay above a specified degradation rate or not. At the end of this performance warranty, the normal performance rate should be around 79 to 87% of the original performance.
Why Is Getting A Warranty Important?
Getting a warranty is important because it can cover the cost of any mechanical failure. Solar panel installers will cover any cost during your warranty period. Moreover, any company that has warranties on its products or services will give a good impression of their business. Therefore, make sure that your solar panel installation company offers you a performance and product warranty.
Rather than paying for the costly repair, it is your best bet to buy both warranties to safeguard your solar panel investment.
However, in some cases, solar panel insurance is covered by a homeowners insurance policy. In such cases, solar panel warranties might not be required.
About Sundawg Solar
Sundawg Solar is a renewable energy service provider based in the province of Saskatchewan. We’re passionate about making a positive impact on the environment. We take pride in our 40 years of industry experience. Contact us today for more information.