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Solar energy simply means energy that comes from the sun. However, the trick is to convert it into electrical energy and use it for our routine activities. Solar panel systems with the secret ingredient of PV cells (photovoltaic cells) do this job exceptionally well. When the electrons in the PV cells of the solar panels are activated by the sun rays falling on them, electricity is produced.

In Saskatchewan, solar panel installation cost varies depending on the size, type, and application (residential solar or commercial solar). Our experts will closely work with you to evaluate your requirements and give a reliable estimate. You can contact us for more information.

Yes! The province of Saskatchewan receives the most sunlight compared to other provinces in the country. Moreover, Saskatchewan also has high electricity prices - the higher the prices, the more you will save by using solar panels.

The exact number of solar panels required is dependent on many factors, such as the type of property, its size, location, and your specific power requirements. It is best that you consult with our professional solar panel installers to get an accurate estimate of the number of solar panels you will require in Saskatchewan.

In the summertime, the sun is strong enough to enable you to produce excess energy (more than what you need) and sell it back to the grid. SaskPower will allot you credits in return for the electricity you send to the grid. These credits roll up every month and can be used for up to three years. This means you can use these credits in the winter when electricity usage is high, and production from your solar panels is low. By using credits, you will have to pay a negligible amount in terms of electricity bills.

Net metering allows users to produce their own energy and send the excess to the grid in return for credits on future electricity bills. It is a rebate for environmentally friendly technologies (including solar panel systems) under SaskPower.

Net metering is the most common practice to attain maximum benefit from solar solutions. Under this program, you can export excessive PV electricity to the grid in the daytime. In this way, you can level off any imported and exported electricity units at night when you are using the electricity from the grid. The netting off of the imported and exported electricity units then results in lower electricity consumption from the grid.

Solar panels installed by Sundwag solar are warranted for 20-25 years. But you can expect them to last much longer, anywhere between 30-40 years, depending on weather conditions and maintenance levels.

A property is considered to be an ideal solar candidate if:
  • The roof faces the South or is close to the South. However, if your house faces east or west, this is still workable.
  • Great solar access is expected all year around. Very little to no shading from neighbouring buildings or trees.
  • Solar panels have enough area to be tilted to an angle equal to the property’s latitude.

  • Saskatchewan has the most solar potential in the country as it is the sunniest province in Canada.
  • 85% of electricity being used in Saskatchewan comes from fossil fuels (coal and natural gas).